Ever consider a cosmetic teeth whitening service? There’s never been a better time. With the safe, effective whitening treatments at West Lakes Dentistry, you can reap the benefits of a brighter smile today!
Facial Aesthetics Services in Mound, MN
West Lakes Dentistry would like to introduce their facial aesthetic services in Mound, MN. Performed by our experienced Dr. Angela Hastings, these services offer more options to help improve your smile. With safe dermal fillers and cosmetic injectables available at our Mound dentist office, you have more options than ever to achieve a real smile […]
Dental Crowns & Bridges in Mound & Chaska, MN
Dental crowns and bridges are prosthetic fixtures cemented onto existing teeth to improve the integrity of your tooth structure, the shape of your bite, and the overall appearance of your teeth. Both are common procedures typically covered in part by insurance. [av_textblock size=” font_color=” color=” av_uid=’av-olvk74′] Dental Crowns Dental Crowns (also called caps) are typically […]
Dental Bonding & Cavity Fillings – Chaska & Mound, MN
Dental bonding and cavity fillings are among the most common dental procedures. Both are used to restore and protect your teeth from decay and cosmetic deficiencies. [av_button_big label=’Request Appointment’ description_pos=’below’ link=’page,513′ link_target=” icon_select=’yes-left-icon’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue805′ font=’entypo-fontello’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#e96f35′ color_hover=’custom’ custom_bg_hover=’#154f8f’ av_uid=’av-nnspiy’][/av_button_big] [av_section min_height=” min_height_px=’500px’ padding=’default’ shadow=’no-border-styling’ bottom_border=’no-border-styling’ id=” color=’alternate_color’ custom_bg=’#154f8f’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” attach=’scroll’ […]
Restorative Dentistry – Mound & Chaska, MN
[av_button_big label=’Request Appointment’ description_pos=’below’ link=’page,513′ link_target=” icon_select=’yes-left-icon’ icon_hover=’aviaTBicon_hover’ icon=’ue805′ font=’entypo-fontello’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#e96f35′ color_hover=’custom’ custom_bg_hover=’#154f8f’ av_uid=’av-1dv4ak9′][/av_button_big] [av_section min_height=” min_height_px=’500px’ padding=’default’ shadow=’no-border-styling’ bottom_border=’no-border-styling’ id=” color=’alternate_color’ custom_bg=’#154f8f’ src=” attachment=” attachment_size=” attach=’scroll’ position=’top left’ repeat=’no-repeat’ video=” video_ratio=’16:9′ overlay_enable=’aviaTBoverlay_enable’ overlay_opacity=’0.5′ overlay_color=” overlay_pattern='{{AVIA_BASE_URL}}images/background-images/polygon.png’ overlay_custom_pattern=” av_uid=’av-1cigjah’] [av_hr class=’invisible’ height=’50’ shadow=’no-shadow’ position=’center’ custom_border=’av-border-thin’ custom_width=’50px’ custom_border_color=” custom_margin_top=’30px’ custom_margin_bottom=’30px’ icon_select=’yes’ custom_icon_color=” icon=’ue808′ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-1b9ryc9′] […]